Rough Runner Obstacle Run at Ashley Hall Showground, part of Tatton Estate October 2016

SPECIAL DISCOUNT CODE – at checkout quote ‘Ashley20’

Book your tickets by clicking this link Rough Runner Manchester

OR run for free as a volunteer marshal – further details from the link above.

Rough Runner obstacle run returns to Ashley Hall Showground 15th & 16th October 2016.

TEM Events are very excited to welcome back Rough Runner for their return visit.  In 2015 everyone had a fantastic time, there were smiles all round, lots of giggling and shouting of encouragement as folk attempted to climb, seemingly impossible, obstacles, particularly the travelator.

“The boys were complete gents, instead of steaming off ahead they stayed behind to offer us ladies a helping hand on the obstacles, it was a great team effort” – Katie from Congleton

We look forward to seeing you there!  Tweet your photos to @AHShowground.

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