Highlights from New Government Planning Report

Carol Clarke, Head of Planning & Engagement writes

It’s taken eight months for the Government to produce a 44 page response report to the House of Lords Select Committee on the Built Environment. So what does it say?

Overall our view is that the Government is passing back responsibility to Local Planning Authorities to address issues locally on a site by site basis. However, there is also an undertaking to report on the Local Plans Group recommendations, so this response is only half of the story. There are some positives for the development industry however.

TEM Planning take-outs:

  • The Government will introduce a new presumption in favour of housing on brownfield land;
  • A planning application fee increase will go to consultation shortly. However in the interim the Government acknowledge “flexibility fee setting must go hand in hand with a responsibility to provide an efficient and effective service”;
  • Delay to housing delivery – the Government has rejected the recommendation to apply an equivalent council tax charge to housing development not started after a certain period;
  • Permission in Principle on brownfield sites remains;

Read our full review of the report here


Carol Clarke heads up Planning and Engagement at TEM Planning. If you would like to speak to Carol about planning please call 01565 654107 or email to cc@tattongroup.com